How To Avoid WFH Burnout

The Covid-19 pandemic has completely transformed the world of work. Many of us have been working predominantly from home for the past year, and are experiencing work burnout due to long working hours at home and less social interaction. In this blog post, we share 4 ways you can avoid burnout from working from home (“WFH”) so you can better manage your work life at home!

Take Your Breaks

It is important to schedule regular breaks throughout the work day, so that your mind stays fresh. Take a walk to the kitchen for a water refill every hour to give your mind the rest it needs. Ensure that you have at least a 5 minute break between each Zoom meeting so that you are not frantically jumping from one call to the next without having a minute to rest your mind and collect your thoughts. Often times we feel the need to be hyper-productive and we feel guilty whenever we think of taking a break. I know it is counter-intuitive; but you will find that your productivity will surge once you feel more rested.

Stick To A Schedule

Prepare your to-do list the night before, so that it gives more structure to your work day. It also keeps you focused on the task at hand, so that you are less prone to distractions. Don't get disheartened if you didn't get to all the tasks. Give yourself a pat on the back for a job well-done, and start again the next day. The key is to channel your concentration on the list of pre-decided tasks at hand, so that you do not jump from task to task or get distracted by your social media feed or email notifications.

Create A Morning Routine

Instead of grabbing your handphone the moment you wake up, try creating a new morning routine that brings more peace and helps set the right tone for the rest of the day. Try meditation, a morning walk, or simply having a proper sit-down breakfast. You will find that once you get into the habit of starting your day right by cultivating the discipline of following through with your morning routine, this discipline flows through to other aspects of your day. You will experience greater vitality and joy in your life because the routine you have instilled gives you a sense of mastery and control.

Move Around Throughout The Day

To keep yourself sane during work hours, try to stay active and take breaks. You could try taking a walk during your lunchbreak at a park near you, or an evening walk after dinner with your family; whatever that works for you and your lifestyle which you can consistently practise everyday. The objective is to intentionally introduce small movements into your life at specific timings, so that your body gets used to moving at a certain time and gradually this becomes a habit for you.

For more tips on how to avoid WFH burnout, check out the following resources:

  • This article from Toptal talks about the things to look out for when working remotely.

  • This article from JRNI details the causes of burnout and how we can combat it.

Speak To Us

We hope you find the above tips helpful. If you are struggling from WFH burnout because you have difficulty managing your accounting matters, feel free to drop us a message or email us and let us know how we can assist you. Our general response time is one business day.


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